Portal: The Flash Version

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Enjoy Playing Portal: The Flash Version

Portal: The Flash Version is a puzzle-platform game inspired by the popular game Portal. In this 2D version, you control a character who uses a special gun to create portals on walls and floors. These portals let you move from one place to another instantly. You use this ability to solve puzzles and reach the exit in each level.

The game has over 40 levels, each with its own challenges. You’ll need to think creatively to figure out how to use the portals to get past obstacles and avoid dangers like turrets and energy balls. The levels become more difficult as you progress, testing your problem-solving skills. The simple graphics and controls make it easy to focus on the puzzles and enjoy the game.

Playing Portal: The Flash Version is a fun way to exercise your brain and have a good time. It encourages you to think outside the box and come up with clever solutions. Whether you’re a fan of the original Portal game or new to the concept, this version offers an engaging and challenging experience.

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